Action Planning
What happens after a transformative experience?
During the months after a Summer Encampment, the Action Planning program provides support to participants for their plans for change in their communities — and for their career and college pathways.
Encampers receive support from an intergenerational community of alums, including year-round virtual gatherings.
A successful action plan can lead to concrete change
An example of an action plan that was created during the follow-up program arose from a question from an Encamper who wants to address the climate crisis in her community.
She asked, “What can I do in my community to make it more sustainable?” The group helped this Encamper brainstorm ideas, including organizing to start a composting system at her school.
Later, she asked about how to figure out “Who else in my community cares about sustainability?” These questions resulted in a week-long educational series and composting workshop organized by the Encamper.
Teachers, students, and business and restaurant owners participated in her “Week of Sustainability” series at her school. Her peers were so engaged that a permanent student-led composting system is now in place.

“It was one week before the week of [sustainability] lectures began, and I wasn’t feeling really confident about it. I was not that sure, and ready to give up because I didn’t think people would engage with the project. I discussed that with Jesus (Salcido Chavarria, program director) and he encouraged me and answered a few questions. He said that ‘having this anxiety before starting things is normal; it’s OK.’ It was really nice to have someone who understood that and could help me through the whole process. When everything was happening, it happened a bit fast, but I would send pictures to Jesus and the Encampers, and they were really supportive. It was another bonding moment where we could share our concerns and the happy moments and all of it.”
Other examples of what Encampers have done and are doing with their action plans.
- creating workshops on bullying and racism
- establishing and/or leading social justice clubs in their school communities
- successfully lobbying for safe spaces for Dreamers and farmworker health and safety
- participating in Get-Out-the Vote campaigns in their local communities
- organized for the Climate 805 Strike & helping to organize and facilitate Compost Tea Parties for the Pesticide-Free Soil Project
- creating a website and workshops to address micro-aggressions in Primarily White Institutions
- organizing a Cultural Awareness Day featuring artifacts, foods and fashions
- helped organize their school community to raise funds for Hurricane Fiona aid
- successfully advocated with the school principal to see that school lunches were provided consistently
- creating YouTube podcasts on mental health
Encampers take their summer intensive experience back to their communities—and sometimes into other communities—addressing the pressing social justice issues of our time.
Both the Encampment program and working at the farm have been such unique experiences.
Not only have these programs inspired me to be better for my community, but they have shown me ways that I can. Through Zoom and hands-on learning, they give me tools that I didn’t realize I needed, to make an impact larger than myself.