I have chosen the Encampment for Citizenship to be a recipient of memorial gifts that celebrate the life of my husband, Alan Rabinowitz.

Alan supported so many wonderful people and their causes; he believed deeply in all of them and that together we can keep our world on course somehow. To pick only one, together we chose a group that touched on all of his concerns: grassroots activism, peace, political involvement, environment, young people, inner healing, and group cooperation.

The Encampment is a summer gathering which teaches Civics and civility, self-empowerment and compassion in the context of a larger whole, intercultural understanding and deep appreciation, and once you have been to the Encampment you are part of a lifelong group of activists and healers.

The Encampment was founded right after World War II and the founders were from deep in my childhood and community. Alan and I were on the board together in the mid-1950s; it was one of the first progressive activities that I brought Alan into as we began our journey together. The Encampment has been revived in the last 5 years and we have worked with Margot Gibney, who found it transformative as a teenager, to continue to offer this life-changing experience to teens from all parts of this wonderful country.

The Encampment is a small tightly run organization and your donation will make a difference to it and to the young people that it inspires.

Lastly, we hope this provides an impetus to get to know this group: it may enrich your life as it has ours, perhaps you will keep an eye on it in the future, or know a teen who might benefit from a summer in their program.

Thank you deeply for any gift you make to them in honor of my beloved Alan.

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