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Make a Donation
Make a world of difference
The Encampment runs almost entirely on donations from our network of alums, allies, and supporters like you. Your gift to the Encampment makes a world of difference to the Encampment youth, who will bring their increased awareness and commitment to social change back to their homes, schools, workplaces, and community.
All donations are tax-deductible, and every gift, regardless of the amount, is essential to our work. The Encampment for Citizenship’s EIN (Tax ID) number is 30-0694938.
Please make your gifts to “Encampment for Citizenship,” the non-profit organization that produces the Encampment.

The Encampment transformed my world view and continues to plant the seeds of justice, resistance and change. To put it simply: We are here to build a better world and we need each other. As you know, the need is especially urgent in these times for all of us to work together to defend and strengthen our democracy and prepare future leaders. In 1992, I was an angry 16-year-old Asian-American who had experienced racial injustice and bullying. Now, I’ve been working in the social justice field for more than 25 years, and I’m the executive director of the Center for Empowered Politics Education Fund, a capacity-building organization where we build and develop leadership of movement leaders and organizations across the country at the intersection of racial justice, grassroots organizing, and power building. Click to read more of Alex’s story and to donate.
There are many ways to give
Online: Donate once or be a sustainer (recurring donations)
It’s easy! It’s fast! It’s secure! No checks to write, no stamps to buy! We partner with Network for Good so that you know your donation is secure. You can make a one-time donation or become a Sustaining Donor.
Sustainers are a special group of donors who make hassle-free monthly contributions, designed to spread donations into comfortable amounts over time.
Whether $10, $20, $50 or $100 per month, Sustaining Donors help the Encampment maximize support to our youth. Our youth can rely on us because we can rely on you.
Donate by Mail
Encampment for Citizenship
PO Box 1210
Aptos, CA 95001-1210
Give through your workplace
Donate in honor of
If you make a donation in memory of someone, please note that on your check or contact us and let us know who is being honored and if you would like us to notify the family. These options are both available on the online form too!
Make a legacy gift
Encampment for Citizenship
PO Box 1210
Aptos, CA 95001-1210
Please consult a lawyer if you need legal advice. We can also direct you to online resources for making a will.
Why I Support the Encampment
“We created our own world of inclusivity and equity where everyone had a say.” Chela Blitt, EFC alum, parent and supporter, describes how the EFC helped to set her values as a young person and the importance of supporting young leaders now. Your year-end gift means the Encampment can keep inspiring young leaders and giving them tools to make the world better.

I have chosen the Encampment for Citizenship to be a recipient of memorial gifts that celebrate the life of my husband, Alan Rabinowitz. Learn more.
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Why I Support the Encampment
Eleyna Fugman, alum 1991, tells us why she makes a monthly recurring donation to support the EFC’s work. “Being part of that summer left me feeling empowered. I felt like I could do something about racism and sexism. That experience helped me understand that whatever I had to offer was important and that it mattered what I thought, and what I felt and did. It encouraged me to keep going then and I’m still in this field of community organizing and change-making because of it.”
To set up a recurring donation on your credit card, just pick that option when you donate.

“The Encampment creates an intentional community where youth can engage in learning and discussion of critical issues amongst peers from various races, creeds, and origins. Where they can make sense of the world, and find ways to build solutions together. Where they can develop a passion for social justice, and learn to turn that passion into positive action. This is the Encampment’s crucial work with the next generation of leaders.”
Why I Support the Encampment
Board Co-Chair Evelin Aquino tells us “Why I Support the EFC” and urges us to give, no matter the amount, to support EFC’s work with young leaders in the movement for equity, justice and democracy.
Inspiring support through their legacy

Why we need the EFC more than ever
In 2016, I had the joy of meeting an incredible group of young people who were part of the Encampment summer program. I was blown away by their commitment to social justice, and the program’s commitment to critical thinking and exploring what it means to be a “citizen” as viewed through the various lenses of immigrants, indigenous peoples, people in positions of power, and people marginalized and on the fringes. I became a sustaining donor in 2020 as we saw our society fractured by a pandemic, partisan politics and further disenfranchisement of vulnerable populations. I truly believe we need the Encampment now more than ever to empower young people to redesign their futures to center on critical thought and empathy, and move us toward a more just and equitable society.
We are strengthening democracy by creating community.