Why I give to the Encampment

Rachel Miller (EFC alum 1978) adds her voice to our end-of-year giving campaign: I give to the Encampment so that young people can learn how to engage with the world when it needs them most. Whether tackling the thorny issues of health, education, justice or the environment, we need leaders who can listen, explain and work toward shared goals — and do it with heart, as the Encampment taught us. You can learn more about Rachel’s EFC experience from her alum story.

2023 Encamper Jessica talks about the importance of diversity to the EFC experience.

Having people from so many different perspectives who are all united in one front and want to do something to impact and change the world – it’s really special.

Add your voice today by making a donation and tell us what EFC means to you in your donation note or by emailing. We are asking those of us who believe in the Encampment’s work to make a commitment to keep EFC’s work available to today’s youth.

A long-term commitment (monthly or annual) makes a real difference to our ability to develop programming that provides the kind of support young activists need to be effective leaders. If enough of us make that commitment, we have a pool that creates stability that can grow the organization. The online form offers some options for sustainable giving. Your donation goes toward creating young leaders from diverse backgrounds who can listen, explain and work toward shared goals — and do it with heart!

Inspired? Click to invest in the future of democracy!

Or send a check to EFC, P.O. Box 1210, Aptos, CA 95001

All donations are tax-deductible. Our federal EIN is 30-0694938.

Related links:

EFC’s website

What is the Encampment?

  • Young people ages 15–18, from the U.S. and beyond, living and learning together for three-plus weeks in a summer program focused on experiential learning, critical thinking, community, and social justice in action
  • A follow-up program that supports them to take action when they go home
  • A nationwide network of committed alums and partner organizations, working for social justice in their home communities.
  • An option for local Ventura County alums to intern with our year-round  Pesticide-Free Soil Project

Adriana, far left above, was an intern at the 2023 summer program

Have questions? Ask us at Contact EFC.