EFC alums (and siblings) Jeff Shannon and Carol Shannon Hsu have offered to match all donations toward the 2022 Sponsorship Fund up to $15,000 to help us fund every Encamper whose family cannot pay the entire program fee.
The Sponsorship Fund helps the Encampment practice the democracy we teach: making sure that young people who can’t afford the EFC experience can still participate. We bring diverse perspectives together and immerse young leaders in the work of society and community as they learn how to change the injustices of our country.
“At the Encampment, creating our own community and self-governance arrangement made me see the importance of listening to other peoples’ viewpoints before making decisions. EFC activities within the local county showed me that private individuals could have a positive impact on the community at large. These two principles determine much of the way I interact with the world to this day.” – Jeff Shannon, 1971 Arizona
Jeff Shannon (bottom right) at the 1971 Arizona Encampment.
What makes that diversity possible? The generosity of donors like you. Your support makes sure young people whose families cannot afford the full program fee can still be part of the EFC.
From Carol, 1969 Montana: At age 16, at EFC, I was immersed in experiential learning with the widest variety of people with whom I’d ever lived. My consciousness grew exponentially from such exposure and our collective experience, I learned to see the world through others’ views, to consider how others thought and it encouraged me to work for a better, equitable community.
The Encampment is returning to in-person programming this summer (July 5–27). We share the same rising costs as everyone else during this pandemic, and we’re making sure we do everything possible to ensure that Encampers and staff will be in a healthy and safe environment at Cal Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California.*
Your donation helps pay for the basics like room and board:
- A donation of $25 becomes $50 with this match. That will pay for several meals for an Encamper.
- $100 becomes $200 and pays for an entire day of the Encampment for one Encamper.
In addition, your donation pays for the thoughtful learning experiences our staff create:
- $900 becomes $1,800 for a field trip to Los Angeles’ community-based cultural centers focused on grassroots initiatives.
- $320 becomes $640 for the Environmental Justice Trip to the Channel Islands.
It’s hard to put a price on the life-changing connections Encampers have, but now you can turn $1,750 into a Full Sponsorship of $3,500.
Your donation, no matter what size, ensures that the power of multi-cultural, cross-class conversations, so crucial to democracy and justice, continues at the Encampment. But most importantly, it means that 2022 applicants like this one get the funding they need to participate:
“A family friend attended the Encampment and said that it was life-changing … After being cooped up in the house because of Covid, I am ready to get out in the world and have my voice heard. What I hope for is to make an impact on the community and be a part of change. I have so much passion inside of me that I want to share it with others.”
Please give generously to support these life-changing conversations and connections and help us meet our spring campaign goal of $35,000.
*There are still a few spaces left for the 2022 Encampment, but space is limited. Click here to learn more and apply.