Jan 7, 2025 | InterGen Cafe, News
We are excited to invite you to our next InterGen Cafe, taking place on Sunday, January 19. As we enter 2025, we face new, as well as ongoing, challenges that threaten the rights of immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, people of color, women, the integrity of our education and justice systems, and voting rights and democracy. Now, more than ever, it is time to come together to reflect, strategize, and support each other.
Jul 2, 2024 | InterGen Cafe, News
The June InterGen Café was a sneak peek into the summer program curriculum and a chance to experience a key part of the EFC approach: small group discussions centered on different aspects of voting. Jane Sapp, education director, started off the presentation by explaining why Montgomery, Alabama, is the site of the 2024 Encampment.
May 22, 2024 | InterGen Cafe, News
We welcome alums and friends to a preview of this year’s summer program and InterGen Weekend.
This year’s summer program site, Montgomery, Alabama, offers many immersive and vibrant learning opportunities within EFC’s unique approach to youth leadership development. Focusing on civil and voting rights, participants will be able to experience history in a meaningful way while working with activists across generations.
Mar 22, 2024 | InterGen Cafe, News
On February 25, 2024, the EFC Alum Outreach and Engagement Committee hosted an informal discussion about the current conflict in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. The goal was to provide an opportunity for youth and adults in the EFC community to share their thoughts, feelings, questions, and perspectives. An intergenerational team of EFC alums imagined, created, and facilitated this forum, designed to allow people to speak openly in a safe environment about this difficult situation that affects us all.
Feb 7, 2024 | InterGen Cafe, News
Our recent InterGen Café focused on life post-Encampment, with a lively conversation about making a living while practicing social justice values and activism.
May 23, 2023 | InterGen Cafe, News
The April InterGen Café focused on the critical importance of arts in social justice organizing — for people of all ages.