Access the EFC Network for an informal Zoom conversation among alums of all ages.

For this InterGen Café, our topic is Creating Community Care in the Face of Injustice. It is clear that our levels of stress and despair have risen as we grapple with current racial issues, educational institutions not being accountable for their students’ mental health and prosperity, and various other social issues. Some intergenerational community members have mentioned the many roles social media plays in bringing awareness to these issues as well as its shortcomings as a tool to initiate change. We are dedicating this virtual discussion as a space where we can talk about the factors that are exacerbating the amount of stress and anxiety we feel. Our focus is sharing tools and resources with each other to remedy this isolation and community fatigue in the face of injustice. 

Recent & Older Alums: Bring your strategies, thoughts and experiences this February 19 at 3 PM PT/ 4 PM MT/ 5 PM CT/ 6 ET. 


WAYS TO RSVP: (Once you RSVP, we’ll send you a link the week of the event.)

RSVP via email:

Voice or text message at 831-515-6775 with your name and contact info